The aftermath

I know it has been nearly two weeks, but it has taken me this long to get over the London Run. Plus life happens. So to catch up, I have been running pretty much every day, some days I have had flying feet where I have felt incredible and feel I can run forever, and other days have been a real struggle. I try and cheer myself up on the hard runs and mouth the words to the songs that are playing on my running playlist, it gets me through, but it also gets me funny looks from strangers. Running at people while mouthing, ‘It’s my life!’ with heartfelt passion must be scary. Sorry if you have had to witness that. In have successfully completed another race though. A 12.9k on Thorney Island! I never bothered to run further than 11k while training because I thought I would wing it. Thankfully it was like a mud run and lots of it had to be walked, else I am not sure I would have survived. I got a decent medal at the end and some free goodies so that was a good point. ...