Strange times

I went for my first run in 2 weeks today, with everything going on in the world with Coronavirus I haven't really done much apart from stay glued to the TV or the news on my phone. My work has temporarily closed so I’m off barmaid duties apart from when I’m at home and serving myself alcohol- which is quite frequent. I’m not the only one looking at the clock every day thinking what time is appropriate to have your first drink of the day, am I? I should be careful though, it does seem to be getting earlier every day. So I ran, I realised I needed an angry run. This year has been Sh*t personally and although things are looking up, there is still a lot of unresolved things I need to work through- or run through. We have been told in these times we can go out, and for my mental health I really needed to just get out there today. I put on a spotify playlist of angry rock songs (ok I won’t lie, I played Katy Perry’s Part of me first but she didn’...