
Showing posts from April, 2020

2k better than no K

Struggled to even do 2k today, and now I feel really deflated. I'm determined to do this bloody half marathon in just over a week, but I am struggling to run even a few metres at the moment.  Maybe it's this crazy situation, maybe it's because I was running up and down my road in the midday heat, maybe it's because I had no music to block out my heavy breathing or maybe I'm just a bit.... blah.  Just when I was ready to forget the whole thing, I thought- I know, it's my diet!  So I had some lettuce with balsamic dressing. Mmm. Healthy nourishing food. Then I had some cheese on toast, some chocolate and a little (grab bag) packet of crisps. It's given me a right boost.  I can do this.  9 days and counting.    Also want to make this for dinner... disgusting or genius???

5k garden run and a sucky one

Some runs absolutely stink.  Today was one of those for me. Nice simple 5k no pressure, but bloody hell I wanted to cry/scream/cry again.  Perhaps I still had a large quantity of alcohol in my veins from my birthday a couple of days ago which made my legs feel like lead.  Maybe it was just an off day, but I hated practically every second of it.  But guess what?! I'm finished, laying horizontal and looking forward to my run tomorrow. Crazy how this running malarkey can make you feel a range of emotions in a short space of time. On Tuesday (my birthday) I did what I though was going to be dizzying torture, running around in circles in the garden, however it was actually ok and good training for my challenge next week...  A half marathon in my driveway!  Despite the fact that I have only run 5k at the most the past few weeks, and I have only ever run 15k in one go, I'm sure it will be fine and I will smash it, even if I have to crawl my...

7 day isolation plan

7 Day Isolation Plan I’m slightly losing my grip on what day it is, what month is it, on reality in general, and I'm not the only one according to the internet- so I’ve devised a plan. I’ve come up with ideas of things to do for the next 7 days, a '7 Day Isolation Plan'. I would have done a chart but, don’t know how, and I don’t have the time to be messing around with that. Well, I mean obviously I do, but I just can’t be bothered. If you want to join in, you could make it more fun (wahey!) by copy and pasting into a word document, spacing the daily points out a bit more, print them off, cut them out, put them in a jar and pick one out every day. That will waste at least 10 minutes, more if you want to decorate the jar.   See full of ideas am I not? This next week is going to fly by.....there are even treats to have every day! Day 1: Learn something new... Did you know it is impossible to hum while holding your nose? Yes I know you are testi...