5k garden run and a sucky one

Some runs absolutely stink. 

Today was one of those for me. Nice simple 5k no pressure, but bloody hell I wanted to cry/scream/cry again. 

Perhaps I still had a large quantity of alcohol in my veins from my birthday a couple of days ago which made my legs feel like lead. 

Maybe it was just an off day, but I hated practically every second of it. 

But guess what?! I'm finished, laying horizontal and looking forward to my run tomorrow. Crazy how this running malarkey can make you feel a range of emotions in a short space of time.

On Tuesday (my birthday) I did what I though was going to be dizzying torture, running around in circles in the garden, however it was actually ok and good training for my challenge next week... 

A half marathon in my driveway! 

Despite the fact that I have only run 5k at the most the past few weeks, and I have only ever run 15k in one go, I'm sure it will be fine and I will smash it, even if I have to crawl my way to the end. 

I've got a plan and when you have a plan everything works out just the way you want it to, doesn't it...?


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