2k better than no K

Struggled to even do 2k today, and now I feel really deflated.

I'm determined to do this bloody half marathon in just over a week, but I am struggling to run even a few metres at the moment. 

Maybe it's this crazy situation, maybe it's because I was running up and down my road in the midday heat, maybe it's because I had no music to block out my heavy breathing or maybe I'm just a bit.... blah. 

Just when I was ready to forget the whole thing, I thought- I know, it's my diet! 

So I had some lettuce with balsamic dressing. Mmm. Healthy nourishing food.

Then I had some cheese on toast, some chocolate and a little (grab bag) packet of crisps. It's given me a right boost. 

I can do this. 

9 days and counting. 

Also want to make this for dinner... disgusting or genius???


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