
Showing posts from 2021

Hi again!

I'm back again! I know it's again and again but things seemed to have calmed down a bit again personally and pandemically so I'm giving this 1kandagooddeedaday thing another go because it is important to me and I feel good about myself when I do, so it's for selfish reasons really :)  Also it gets me writing so between this blog and my you can ready about running to your hearts content! Lucky you, it will be like Christmas everyday!  Like the radio (well at certain times of the day for about an hour) there will be no repeats so it will be fresh on each page.  Unless I have done something epic like entering the London Marathon next year... So for my good deed today I did a #2minutebeachclean  So crack on and do this 1k and a good deed a day October 2021!

Top 5 tips for beginner runners

Want to run but don't know where to start? Follow these easy tips and start your running journey today... * Start slow, like as slow as a tortise -he won in the end didn't he?! Download couch to 5k and follow that, or decide on how long you want to go out for and run/walk it... For example: 'I want to go out for 15 minutes!' ... 5 min fast walk warm up 1 min run  1 min walk (catch your breath, 60 seconds till you go again.. buzzing!) 1 min run, then 1 min walk and so on.  Take a 5 minute cool down walk at the end, while swearing under your breath that everything hurts and your lungs are going to explode.  * Don't over do it. Have rest days, keep looking forward to your next run. Don't laugh, once you get the running bug you will be banging on to everyone you know about how running has changed your life and how amazing it is. Honestly, you will!  You will also do your friends head in banging on about it, so find some groups online where you can brag a...

Don't try this at home

WARNING! These may look edible... actually on second glance, they do not and I can tell you, they are not.  I thought I could save a bit of money and do some good by making my own granola bars, but these are beyond awful.  I've been racking my one brain cell trying to think of good deeds to do, it's blooming hard with Covid and I don't want it to just to be a year of picking up bits of discarded rubbish.  These bars were going to be for friends and family, something I could leave on their doorsteps...I would be thanked in spades and told they are the best thing they have ever eaten!  I thought perhaps I could leave some somewhere for the homeless, but, unfortunately the only place these are going to be going is the deep dark depths of a bin.  Vile. That about sums them up in case you were wondering.  So, good deeds completed this week: Picking up bits of discarded rubbish and throwing these granola bars in the bin.  Best get that brain cell...

Have I mentioned...?

2020, well, what the heck was that?  I'll tell you what THAT was, it was the year... THAT I RAN A MARATHON!!!!! It has taken me nearly a month to write a blog, possibly because I am still exhausted and also because I can't quite actually believe that I did it.  But I've got the medal, which I have worn a lot and slept next to a lot. No, it's not weird. All runners do it. Well, ok it is not strictly true because I asked in my running groups and out of hundreds of people, only one other said she also wore her medals after the race.  Whatever, I paid a lot of money for them, so I will wear them whenever I like.  So 2021, what are we going to do with you?  An ultra is an aim if races get going again, (#poet), and I am hoping to pass my course next week to become a run coach and start my own running group '1k and a good deed a day'. Also open air swimming, I have only dipped my feet in so far... And it was ruddy freezin...

Oh, hi 2021!

Resolutions for the year... Keep up to date with blogging 🤣  Which will start tomorrow....!