Hi again!

I'm back again! I know it's again and again but things seemed to have calmed down a bit again personally and pandemically so I'm giving this 1kandagooddeedaday thing another go because it is important to me and I feel good about myself when I do, so it's for selfish reasons really :) 

Also it gets me writing so between this blog and my beckysrunderfuladventures.blogspot.com you can ready about running to your hearts content! Lucky you, it will be like Christmas everyday! 

Like the radio (well at certain times of the day for about an hour) there will be no repeats so it will be fresh on each page. 

Unless I have done something epic like entering the London Marathon next year...


So for my good deed today I did a #2minutebeachclean 

So crack on and do this 1k and a good deed a day October 2021!


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