back on it

Week 1 of 1k and a good deed a day has been kick started again. I can't figure out what week we are in, actually...does anyone know if this is still 2020 dragging its sorry arse around? This year is such a bloody drag I dont know where we are at. So, week one this shall remain. 

         (2020 mood in a picture, dull.)

I have posted my runs and deeds on Facebook, I would run down on here but it is 9pm on Friday and I have just come back from a 5k and starting tomorrow I am doing 5k a day for the month of August for Guild Care so not to put too fine point on it- I can't be arsed. Go to '1k and a good deed a day' if you can. 

From now on I will do a mini blog each day so when Friday comes all I have to worry about is drinking wine. 

Oh but exciting times, I have signed up for a real life half marathon in Kent on 27th September 2020! It says it is guaranteed to go ahead! Pigs might fly but it is something to aim for. 

I'm also thinking about doing a naked run after reading 'Your pace or mine?' By Lisa Jackson, its supposed to be freeing! I think I'd definitely have to be pissed to do that so if anyone know of one on a Friday im there! I'll keep you updated! 

Happy running! 


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