Half bloody marathon
The thought of doing a half marathon with no crowds to cheer me on, no reward of random snacks at the end and no immediate medal when I have crossed the finish line was a bit daunting to say the least.
However in the lockdown I have seen people running marathons on their balconies and in their living room, so I decided to put on my big girl pants and get on with it. Plus I would get my medal eventually in the post if I did complete it.
I was supposed to do the Goodwood Grand Prix half marathon with Run Through on 20th April 2020. However, Covid-19 has changed all of our plans and all running events were cancelled, but I received an email from the company saying if participants who had signed up did do a half marathon and send in the evidence, then we would get the medal, t-shirt and goodies. Brilliant!
I am not one to turn down the opportunity to get something shiny but it did take a lot of willpower to actually get my arse off the sofa and complete it.
So yesterday, when the weather was the crappiest it has been for a few weeks was when I thought, yes, today is the day!
It was windy, it was cold, it was spitting but I figured the track I wanted to use which was usually full of dog walkers would be empty. For the first 5k I was all right, and then everyone and their blooming dog seemed to come out because the rain stopped. It was still cloudy and cold but the people were out in force. Much to my annoyance.
I ran over the grass and away from the track to dodge everyone and nearly went over on my face a few times on the uneven ground, it would have been a good excuse to stop and abandon the idea but something kept me up right.
Thankfully, because I really wanted those random snacks.
When I hit 15K, a wall started to appear and I was pretty close to hitting it a few times. I will be honest I did have to walk a little bit but my walk and run pace are not far off so I sucked it up and ran as much as I could.
It was then I realised that I probably should have done some actually proper training instead of thinking a few 5k would be enough but eventually 2h 19m 58s, with an average pace of 6.37/km which I understand it a pretty respectable pace, (No one better tell me otherwise) I finally finished.
I had a bit of a paddy when I thought I had fallen short as Strava didn’t give me my half marathon trophy. The air was blue for a little bit until I saw I was on the May half marathon leader board in position 76,197. Banging.
When I got home, it was a toss up weather I was going to pass out or throw up and I said to myself ‘NEVER AGAIN.’ But nearly 24 hours have passed now, I feel really proud of myself and am now thinking...wouldn’t it be epic to do a full marathon?!
A fantastic read! Made my day. Keep jogging on.