Mile by mile: Half marathon thoughts...
Mile 1: I’m here, I’m ready, I feel great. Going to smash this in no time! Probably should have trained harder than doing a few 5k’s but I’m sure it will be fine. It is 5k 4 times, plus a little bit - easy. Mile 2: To make sure I get to the end I will try and keep up with someone with a similar pace, I will try to not be too obvious. Mile 3: Someone must have moved the mile 3 marker. The distance from 2-3 miles was much too far, the runner I was copying seems to have disappeared. I will look for a new mark. Mile 4: Over 5k done, quarter of the way there if my maths is correct. Get in! I’m flying through this. Mile 5: So 5 miles is halfway to 10 miles, when I get to 10 miles the end will be in sight. I’m feeling amazing. I’m going to book a marathon as soon as I have finished! Mile 6: Nearly halfway, I have a new runner I am following, think I am annoying him as he keeps looking back at me and my noisy hydration vest. Mile 7: It is very hard to drink and run. Choked an...
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