10k in London- The disaster

It always starts off well, with a swell of excitement. We do the warm up together awkwardly doing squats and lunges, smiling at each other nicely, but inside we know they are our competition. Then the march to the startling where everyone fiddles with their smart phones and watches to track every step they are about to take. The countdown 10,9,8... Perhaps if I had been paying a bit more attention from the start it wouldn't have ended with me sniffling on the tube back to St Paul's from Aldgate to grab my medal and refuse to cross the finish line -though I don't think it would have been an option because I took so long when I finally got there the volunteers nearly done packing up. Races are supposed to be fun, and for the most part it was. I tried to follow someone doing a similar pace to me, she was about 20 years older than me and lost me with ease within 10 minutes. So, my next strategy was to just make it back to the finish. There must have b...