5 reasons to have a rest day

Rest day. 

Those two words scare the hell out of runners.

Not running for a day on a nice day (ok, any day), feels like a travesty!

However in order to keep going forward, we know we need to take a break every now and then, so here are 5 reasons to have a rest day:

1   Denial can be a really useful tool. When you deny yourself something, you tend to want it more. Take chocolate for example, if I took it away from you, you would want it more than you have ever wanted anything. So by giving yourself a rest day (or denying yourself your run), you will want it even more. Bring on tomorrow!

Taking point one into consideration, having a rest day will make you want to work harder on the next run. You could try adding that extra minute or KM you have been thinking about. Go on, you can do it. 

Everyone needs a little break and a day off every now and then, you don’t need to put too much pressure on yourself. Run for you, run when you want, how you want and rest when you want. It is all about you. 

4  Your body needs time to recover and repair. Give your poor legs a break, and if you are craving exercise do an arm workout. Enjoy the burn of some other muscles.

The extra time not running can be spent wisely- sort out a new banging playlist for your next run and just appreciate the day.

Enjoy your rest day!! 


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