Launch week

Day 1

This is it, the start. January 4th 2020. I have 4 blissful days off work, so it is time to get my running and good deed shoes on. I did a steady 5k in 33 minutes and 59 seconds on my usual route today. Some days runs can feel easy and your feet glide through the air and you feel like a champion. Today was not one of those days for me. I felt slow, heavy and sloth-like. It's weird and annoying but I know tomorrow will be a better day.

This running malarkey is a real emotion provoker, but no matter how bad a run can be and how slow I feel, I always get home and feel on top of the world. The feeling is addictive and I have to stop myself from going out twice a day just to grab it again.

I have started writing down good deeds that I can do, I had a dream about putting positive messages on tampons and leaving them in women's public toilets, however today I just settled for putting some money in a charity box. I will save that one for another day.

Day 2

We are homeless for the next 2 weeks, (not as dramatic as it sounds we just cant be there for the next couple of weeks), so we are going to stay at my parents, fingers crossed we will not kill each other and will all come out the other side.

I am looking forward to it as it will be warm and they have a bath! This might not seem like a big deal, but for someone who used to have 3 hour baths, to only have showers for the past 2 years (apart from the odd occasion I have begged my parents to use theirs), I can't wait.

They are also right by the seafront so it will be nice to have a change of scenery for my runs. Again I did my usual 5k route where we live this morning before we went and went home to get all of my washing to give to my parents. What? yes, I might be 30, but I think it is still acceptable to ask my parents to help me do my washing occasionally. Laundrette life is a pain in the tumble drier.

I bought a plant for my parents on the way and gave the seller an extra £1.00 as my good deed. He tried to give it back to me and I practically had to run away. He was my good deed for the day and he was not going to take it away from me.

Day 3

Ahh these is almost nothing better than running along the beach watching the sun break through the clouds, breathing in the fresh sea air. Usually my lazy butt would still be in bed, any opportunity for an extra 5 minutes was a win in my eyes, but now I am up and out the door smiling to myself and to other runners I pass.

Most of them smile back, others are in the zone, but I always try to make an effort to push them along by giving them a flash.

Of a smile.

I went to the library and grabbed a load of books about running, the first I am starting is by Ben Smith who completed 401 marathons and 401 days! Bloody crazy challenge, but he must have done it or else this book is going to have a disappointing ending.

After I did a quick #2minutebeachclean I picked up a couple of straws, a cigar, what looks like a gun cartridge thing and a couple of other bits. I have saved a couple of turtles, well that is what I like to think.

Day 4

Aching, that is how I woke up this morning, but determined after reading Ben Smith yesterday. Though I was not going to tackle a marathon today I did manage 1k. Before you laugh and think what a poor effort that was, as I did admittedly, I had a bounce workout class in the evening so didn't want to push myself too far. It is still early days so I don't want to run before I can walk if you catch my drift. So I downloaded the Brittany runs a marathon album and went for my little pootle around the block.

It took me nearly 7 minutes which is about my usual pace so at least I wasn't slower than normal. When I got home I thought I really should have done more but then realised that 'just' doing 1k every week would amount to 52k over the year so these extra little runs are all going to add up.

My good deed for the day was going to a local radio station in Bognor called radio respect and offering to volunteer. Thankfully they want me on board so it wont be long until I am on the radio again chatting away while hopefully helping people and bringing a bit of happiness to their day.

It is a bit of a selfish deed really as I am absolutely buzzing and so excited about it, I cant wait to get stuck in.

Day 5

Zomies, run! And i did just that. I downloaded the Zombies run app today which basically you listen to on your run and try to get away from the zombies. If you don’t and they catch you, you loose various items you have gained along the way such as underwear. Everyone needs underwear it is an essential and to have zombies take it off you is just undignified. When the Zombies are approaching you have to run faster, then when they have backed off you can return to your normal pace.

It is interval training really, and i only managed to get my fastest 5k time ever at 32min 55seconds. I try not to be too bothered about times but a 5k under 30minutes could be in my sights which is a pretty good feeling.

My good deed today was sharing a page which came up on my Facebook about someone collecting books for Uganda which you may say is not a good deed but it is raising awareness and I am also collecting books to send so that is a good deed in my book.

Day 6

I dragged my mum to Phil Hewett's talk tonight and I was utterly enthralled. Usually I like to read up as much as I can about something, for example if I am watching a murder show on TV I will google who the killer was before the programme has ended. If there is a film I am watching and I can’t be bothered to watch it all, I will find out what happens in the end, then I can turn it off. But I was so, so glad that I didn’t ruin the experience tonight.

He had a utterly horrific think happen to him, and listening to him talk about it and about his new book ‘Outrinning the demons’ and the people he has interviewed whose stories are in included in the book was just captivating. I was hanging onto his every word because so much of is resonated with me. I have my signed copy next to me and can’t wait to start reading it.

Before I went to the talk I went for a run along the beach and it was so windy! Well that is what I am blaming for my slow time, but I will be honest and tell you there was a man power walking -and I mean POWER walking- and i just couldn’t catch up with him!

I was quite embarrassed, then a female runner came beside me, so I was like ah I will run stalk her! (where you run with someone and they don’t know, but not in a creepy way), but she zoomed off too. I had the Zombies in my ear again but not even they could help me today, however it is another 5k in the bag.

Good deed: I put some change in a charity pot and have signed up to be a race angel.

Day 7

A race Angel, sounds so lovely doesn’t it? And I am going to be one! The group was started by Adrienne Hall who was running her first marathon; toward the end at mile 24 she didn’t think she was going to make it all of the way. Well, until someone started running with her and reassured her she was nearly at the finish.

So now after completing her marathon, she has started a group called Race Angels to help other runners in the final stages of a run to help support them and reassure them they can do it like someone did for her. It sounds so simple and such a lovely thing to do.

Running is a community and doing something like this, supporting other people is going to be such a great thing to be part of. The first event I am going to help at is Saucony Cambridge half marathon on 8th March and I can’t wait.

Today I have hit day 7 of this challenge, I was going to do an easy 1k but when i started i just couldn’t stop so I did 3k in the end. I am going to push myself at Parkrun tomorrow so wanted to take it easy today but with my half marathon creeping up I am going to have to start putting a few more miles in, but that can start next week.

So 7 days of running, 7 good deeds done, oh today’s was bringing my friend a bunch of flowers for no reason. They were a bit of a pathetic bunch as the greengrocer is obviously not famous for its flowers but it’s the thought that counts. However this week has put me in such a positive space, I feel happier, healthier and have done some good along the way. What will next week bring?


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