Let's do this

Day 8

What better way to start the day with a bit of murder on the way to a run. Today was another day, and another episode of Drunk Women solving crime. I just can’t get enough! Sometimes running to music is what I need to push me through, other times it is listening to these women telling stories and sort of solving crimes.

I got my fastest 5k today at Parkrun 32m.25s, I could have got faster but put myself quite far back in the beginning and it was hard to get to the front for the first bit so hopefully next week I will get under 30 minutes -maybe.

On the way back through town I saw a delivery driver chasing bits of paper, I thought it was quite funny at first (because it really was), then I looked at other people helping him out, so I chased a bit myself, caught it and passed it to him which he took gratefully. It wasn’t even 10am and I had completed my fastest 5k and done my good deed, so I came home and had a 2 hour nap to reward myself.

Day 9

The rubbish thief!

That could be taken in a couple of contexts but it is who I am today. With an old plastic bottle, a squashed red bull and a can of good old Stella, The incredible rubbish superhero has hit an abandoned pub off the A27 and tidied it up slightly while laughing to herself manically at the ridiculousness of what she was doing.

It came about because I was thinking of what I could do today as a good deed and I passed a couple of lay-bys that had rubbish strewn in the grass next to them. After going past a couple, I pulled into a country lane and thought to myself that would do, parked in the car park of a pub which has long been empty...well so I thought, till I spotted a light on and scooted out as fast as I arrived grabbing some rubbish along the way.

Aside from inventing myself as a superhero, the rest of the day was pretty normal, running away from Zombies for half an hour along the beach. Yes, you know just the usual.

Day 10

Crank up the miles, that is the aim from now on. I doubled the 5k I usually do and did 10k.

I’m all or nothing, which is not always the best way to do things, but I wanted to prove that I could do a 10k and not pass out on the pavement.

Though, I did do a 10k a few weeks ago, I think the adrenalin kept me going and the thought of a cupcake medal I ordered from someone on a running group raising money for their charity marathon place. Lovely medal it is too...

10k smashed in 1h 10 minutes, and the thought of a marathon came back into my mind. Can I? should I? I already know the answer, and am now reading a book ‘Crowood Sports Guides, marathon and half marathon training’ written by Steve Drew.

Marathon here I come! The fun part will be choosing the one I want to do. time for some research.

Good deed: #2minutebeachclean

Day 11

Howling like a wolf outside it is. Storm Brendan has hit. Ok it sounds a little more dramatic than it actually is but it is bloomin’ windy so I took that as a sign to have a bit of a rest day and a good clear out.

Nothing (apart from running) feels quite as good as having a clear out, does it?

I bagged up at least 3 bags things from the caravan and am going to take them to a charity shop for my good deed.

Most of the things are my daughter’s, but she isn’t going to read this so she will never know. I am a cruel mother and have not yet got her a mobile and her tablet is used for the endless kids apps she has downloaded, mostly to do with slime. Whoever thought that was a good idea to put slime at the forefront of everything to do with kids these days deserves to have nightmares about the stuff, just like I do, on a daily basis.

I did to a 1k walk to the parade of shops up the road instead of a run today, I put it on Strava so everyone knows I am not cheating. I even got kudos from someone (basically where someone likes your post). It did make me smile that someone was congratulating me on it. Thanks to whoever it was!

My feet are itching to get out now, so it is early to bed so I can get up and get out for a run first thing.

Day 12

Run, run as fast as you can! This morning it was such a relief to get out, it was absolutely hammering it down with rain but I loved every second of it. Half of the beach was on the pavement and the pier was shut thanks to Brendan but I managed a soggy 6k and came back smiling.

It is only a bit of rain, it’s not going to do any harm I said as I dragged my husband to Clymping dog sanctuary to volunteer and take a dog for a walk.

Having had huskies before, we took out King who was the most huge and beautiful husky. He was also incredibly strong, which we both found out. I fell over about 5 minutes into our walk, and although I would like to blame the dog, it was actually my own clumsiness that saw me fall face first into the mud...

Laugh it up.

Even though I hurt my knee a bit I wanted to prove I am invincible so ran to my bounce fitness class and then regretted it immediately as I walked in and the class started. Bounce is brutal.

Day 13

Just a quick 1k walk to radio respect in Bognor today from the train station. It was actually nice not to be driving for once as it gave me a time to sit back and read. I picked up a book from West Worthing while I was waiting and popped some change into the charity box for my good deed. It is called Lies that bind us and it is by Andrew Hart which I thought was a lovely last name. I am working on my radio station name and was going to steal Johnny Depp’s last name. ‘Good morning, it is Becky Depp here at Radio Respect with the best ever breakfast show to get you going in the morning!’ Sounds a bit...well, err, I haven’t thought it through completely yet- perhaps you can tell.

Day 14

2 weeks! this is the longest I have lasted at anything for a long time. I tend to give up too easily, but not this time.

I celebrated with a 10k which nearly broke me -my bad.

It is funny because our bodies and minds are actually amazing. Just when you think you can’t go any further, or do any more, you actually can if you just dig a little. Mind over matter, that is all it is. I say ‘all it is’ when at the time it is a push your body and mind don’t want to do but something inside keeps us going, if we really want to, until the end.

Today when running I hated almost every minute, I wanted to do it but I found it a struggle. I wanted to give up, but I knew if I ran 5k one way then I still needed to get back, so the quickest way to do that was to run.

So run is what I did and I ended up completing my fasted 10k in 1h 7m 32s.

I don’t know if I was subconsciously running faster so I finished quicker, but something inside me kept my feet moving in the right direction. We can all do amazing things we don’t think we are capable of, we just need to realise it.

The Blue Cross emailed me today as I have asked about organising a run for them. They do something called ‘Bark in the dark’ which is a 5k glow in the dark trail which you can (obviously) bring you dog to.

However there was not an even near me so I thought, why don’t I offer to organise one?! So I have arranged to have a chat with someone on Wednesday to see if it is possible. Fingers crossed for next week!


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