False start

I hate computers!!! I had it all written out and then BOOM! deleted all gone!

I have spent the past few minutes screaming and hitting keys on the computer violently. However this 1k and a good deed a day is about becoming a better person so deep breath.

I did originally start off doing this in December as '5k and a good deed a day', I even have the blog (there is nothing on it, I wouldn't bother looking), but after the first couple of days time, laziness, work and hangovers took over and it became impossible. 

It was going to start with Marcothon, which is basically an online challenge to run every day in December, there were too many excuses to drink and eat with the excuse 'bigger it, it is nearly Christmas!' which I had been saying since early October so hello 2020, new year, new challenge and all that. 

Except then January happened, my New Years Eve was a couple of days later as I worked on the official one, so this challenge started on 4th January 2020. Better late than never. 

My challenge over the next 365 days is to either run, walk, or jeff (run, walk, run, repeat) at least 1k every day and do a good deed.

The good deed could be volunteering at and event, doing a beach clean, giving tampons with inspirational messages on to the needy...anything at all really. 

I've got my big girl pants on, and hangover or no hangover I will complete this challenge over the next 365 days. I am hoping it I going to take me to some new places, on some new paths, I am looking forward to meeting new people and above all, help and inspire people with the good deeds. 

What could possibly go wrong? Shouldn't have said that, I feel all nervous now...


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