
Showing posts from 2020

Homefield Park run review

Where: Homefield park, Worthing Difficulty: 3 out of...out of a score I've not really put too much thought into. Let's go with 5. Difficulty: 3 out of 5 Loops of park to get to 5k: I worked it out to be about 0.8 per loop so however many that is, 6ish? First ever run around this route, nice and simple, some slight slopes. Difficulty rating is high because of all of the dogs running around.  Not sure who has right of way, me or the mutts. Glared at a couple and think I came the closest I have ever been to being bitten.  Hospital is visible on part of the route, which makes you appreciate the fact you are not in there. Though, after struggling for breath at one point, it might have looked like I should admit myself.  If you like animals, this is one for you, with countless dogs and squirrels to dodge, you won't be bored.  (That blurry ball of fluff is a squirrel.) If you don't exhaust yourself there is even an outdoor gym to get stuck into. (Cov...

Have a fun run

  Have a fun run Running in the rain gives you a 90% chance of feeling like a superhero*, running in the snow also gives you the same odds, and in some mind bending way, running in these conditions is actually really fun. But how about making every run a fun run? Impossible? No! There are ways to make even the dullest, longest training runs a bit easier. Here are some tips to help you mix it up and have a fun run... Don’t look forward Turn around and try running backwards, it is a completely different feeling and it is quite freeing to try something completely different. You won’t get any PB’s (unless they are in backwards running, then actually you will) and may want to try it when no one else is around for the first few times, but just throw it in at random intervals. If you really get into it check out Aaron Yoder, who holds the Guiness world record for the fastest backwards mile- completed in 5 minutes 30 seconds. Shoes off Unlace those trainers and let your runne...

A wee!

Was what came between me and a sub 2h half marathon...  Pissed off doesn't even cover it!  Plus, to make matters worse, whoever had been in before me had left a present. Yep.  So, I spent precious seconds trying to flush it away so the next person in the queue wouldn't think it was mine.  I was only on the first lap, but obviously hydrated a little too much before my half marathon.  Well, that, or the wine from last night was trying to make a quick exit.  Dispite that, Strava gave me this brilliant time:  My official result from @Runthroughuk was 2h.05m.05s Obviously prefer the Strava time, but I need to knock about 6 minutes off my time to comfortably get under 2h.  Ha, better get my little legs moving a lot quicker!  I put some sweets in my running bra to keep me going, not realising how hard it is to eat and run. I chocked on my own spit and remnants of sweet a couple of times, but convinced myself the sugar was hel...

The M word

So, after thinking... I never want to run a marathon! Why would anyone want to run a marathon? No one needs to run a marathon really, do they It is just showing off?!  Guess what?! I'm going to run a ruddy marathon!  The half marathon I was going to do in December has accidently changed to a full. I blame a moment of insanity.  After my last half I thought,  well that was pretty easy, I didn't even break a sweat! I can do this marathon malarkey.  But I didn't break a sweat because it was hammering with rain and it was more of a race to get out of my wet clothes than anything else.  That being said, some weird part of my brain decided that I can do the half marathon distance twice...I HAVEN'T EVEN BEEN DRINKING!  So, thanks to that brilliant decision, for the next 8 weeks you will find me pounding the pavements looking like a deer caught in the headlights, with the constant thought of  what the hell did I sign up to a marathon for?!  ...

Mile by mile: Half marathon thoughts...

Mile 1: I’m here, I’m ready, I feel great. Going to smash this in no time! Probably should have trained harder than doing a few 5k’s but I’m sure it will be fine. It is 5k 4 times, plus a little bit - easy. Mile 2: To make sure I get to the end I will try and keep up with someone with a similar pace, I will try to not be too obvious. Mile 3: Someone must have moved the mile 3 marker. The distance from 2-3 miles was much too far, the runner I was copying seems to have disappeared. I will look for a new mark. Mile 4: Over 5k done, quarter of the way there if my maths is correct. Get in! I’m flying through this. Mile 5: So 5 miles is halfway to 10 miles, when I get to 10 miles the end will be in sight. I’m feeling amazing.   I’m going to book a marathon as soon as I have finished! Mile 6: Nearly halfway, I have a new runner I am following, think I am annoying him as he keeps looking back at me and my noisy hydration vest. Mile 7: It is very hard to drink and run. Choked an...

counting down

Runs done this week.... ZERO  Days until half marathon.... THREE However, I have booked a hotel with a swimming pool on the harbour. So that's exciting.  Who knew Kent had a harbour?  Although, I'm going to be fretting too much to enjoy the view because I haven't done any bloody training.  The plan is to run for as long as I can, then when I start to flag i will run for 1 minute, walk for a minute until I cross the finish line.  At least I have a plan. I'm also going to have wine in my bag so I can celebrate not dying when I get back to the hotel.  If I am not dead.  Bugger, I'm going for a run. 

let's race!

6 days and (crying) counting until my first race in months with other actual people. Perhaps it will go ahead, perhaps it won't.  Not gona a lie, I've trained for the fact that it won't. The furthest I have run recently is 5k in one go. Oops.  Soooo, I'm having a tinge of anxiety - but I'm a 'fly by the seat of my pants' kind of girl so I will be at that start line and I will crawl to the finish if I have to.  Even if it takes me a day....which it just might.  But bugger it, bring it on! I want a medal and I want to talk about it for the rest of the year to everyone I meet.  :)  #braggingrights #halfmarathon #iranahalfmarathondidyouknow 

Hotting up

Day 5 Summer has made an appreance again which means running during the day is near impossible, unless you like collapsing in a heap on the floor with heat stroke.   I did a 5k when it had cooled down, then to play a trick on myself, I had a takeaway curry for dinner.  Regretted that a tad.  Good deed: Volunteered in a charity shop and also spent £18 on clothes from there. Oops. But it is for charity so it's fine :)  Day 6 The evenings seem to be slowly drawing in  which is #sadtimes but, it makes for some stunning pictures.  Well, if I was any good at photography.... Clearly I am not any good at it.  But I think you might be able to appreciate what I was trying to capture.  Tomorrow is looking to be a scorcher so I might have to drag myself up early, hmm yeah, maybe. Good deed: smiled at another runner and did a thumbs up to encourage them....and got ignored. 👍

5k a day in August for Guild Care

Day 1   It’s not often that I get up and out of the house at 7am, I’m not much of an early bird, but I wanted to start this challenge as I mean to go on, so I crawled out of bed and tried not to think it would be a better idea to do it later.  Turns out there was not one bit of regret in my body when I got to the beach, it felt amazing to be out running with hardly anyone else around. It was also a bonus not many people were about because I had on my shorts. They really live up to their name. I apologise if you did witness them.  By just after half 7 I was done and felt smug all day.  Day 2 The smile was wiped off my face this morning thanks to a couple of gins last night (ok, and a couple of wines), I eventually got out after 5pm after wallowing all day, but surprisingly I felt like I was flying for most of my run. I wasn’t particularly fast, but it is amazing what a bit of air in your lungs can do to make you feel a million times better.  Plus, the...

Na na na na (etc)......Batman!

Batman plasters saved me on my run today.  It was pointed out to me, that I was pointing out 👀 in my new running top with built in bra.  So glad it has taken me 3 days to be told. And before you think I'm gross and don't wash my clothes, I have 2 of these top/bra combos.  Just felt I needed to 'point' that out.  I went on a community mission with Good Gym today where we did some gardening at St Boltophs Church. It was lovely meeting new people who also enjoy doing good deeds. 6k done today. Starting to ache on day 3 of 31.  Uh-oh.  Are we allowed to get massages yet? I need one asap! 

Saturday nights alright

Till you have to run a 5k the next day. I thought I was winning at life yesterday when I tasted coconut and lime gin for the first time, but not so much today.  I had to kick myself up the butt a few times but I got out and ran in the end.   Did a #2minutebeachclean in the middle of my run and picked up a wipe of some sort...I  know...Corona!                 (The offending wipe) Luckily there was a bin nearby but my hand felt unclean and yucky so I grabbed some stones and chalk and rubbed my hand with them. I don't know why but I thought it would help. It didn't. For the rest of my run I held my hand at a jaunty angle as far away from my body as I could get it.  Since I've been home I've washed my hand 100 times. Actually, I'm just going to make that 101. 

Not run this early...

Not run this early (7am) since... well on strava was going to say since my walk of shame days but as it's a charity I'm running for this month, I toned it down to look a bit more respectable and said since my clubbing days. Shorts we're up my front bottom the whole way but not too many people had to bear witness.  Book has gone from where I put it yesterday so either a fox took it or possibly a person. Good deed: picked up litter.  

back on it

Week 1 of 1k and a good deed a day has been kick started again. I can't figure out what week we are in, actually...does anyone know if this is still 2020 dragging its sorry arse around? This year is such a bloody drag I dont know where we are at. So, week one this shall remain.           (2020 mood in a picture, dull.) I have posted my runs and deeds on Facebook, I would run down on here but it is 9pm on Friday and I have just come back from a 5k and starting tomorrow I am doing 5k a day for the month of August for Guild Care so not to put too fine point on it- I can't be arsed. Go to '1k and a good deed a day' if you can.  From now on I will do a mini blog each day so when Friday comes all I have to worry about is drinking wine.  Oh but exciting times, I have signed up for a real life half marathon in Kent on 27th September 2020! It says it is guaranteed to go ahead! Pigs might fly but it is something to aim for.  I'm...

Bring it back

I don’t really know where the past few months have gone considering we have been on pause due to Covid-19. A pandemic so unimaginable it still feels like we are in some sort of weird dream. I stopped blogging because it just didn’t feel appropriate, picking up bits of plastic off the beach and popping pennies into a charity box was just a bit pathetic with all that was going on. I still carried on doing my bit though, volunteering to get medicine and food for people, which kept 1k and a good deed alive.   I have also carried on running and thankfully haven’t let my new hobby of drinking wine/gin/cider/rum almost every night affect me too much. Though I have done a few hungover runs much to my stomachs dismay. I did a 5k garden run on my birthday, which was literally running in my back garden looping around and around and around and took 4 days. Well, it was 40ish minutes but it felt a hell of lot longer.   And my biggest achievement during loc...

5 reasons to get outside and run right now

1 .You never know what you might find  Dirty knickers, money and sex aids are just a few things I have found on my runs. Get out there and get hunting. Don't pick up anything too dodgy though, if you find a huge stash of cash it is advisable to send it to me and I will take it to the police...probably. (Honestly they are not mine....) 2 .You will get encouragement from strangers It is amazing what a smile, nod or little wave can do for your self esteem when you are running, especially when it comes from another runner. You feel like you are in it together and part of a team even when you are on your own. Beware of accidently stalking other runners to keep up with them, they don't like it. 3 .You get the benefit of fresh air Yes, initially you will feel like you are going to pass out and your lungs might burst, but then you will hit a natural stride and you will feel on top of the world while breathing in all of the goodness around you. Well, providin...

Half bloody marathon

The thought of doing a half marathon with no crowds to cheer me on, no reward of random snacks at the end and no immediate medal when I have crossed the finish line was a bit daunting to say the least. However in the lockdown I have seen people running marathons on their balconies and in their living room, so I decided to put on my big girl pants and get on with it. Plus I would get my medal eventually in the post if I did complete it. I was supposed to do the Goodwood Grand Prix half marathon with Run Through on 20 th April 2020. However, Covid-19 has changed all of our plans and all running events were cancelled, but I received an email from the company saying if participants who had signed up did do a half marathon and send in the evidence, then we would get the medal, t-shirt and goodies. Brilliant! I am not one to turn down the opportunity to get something shiny but it did take a lot of willpower to actually get my arse off the sofa and complete it. So yesterday, whe...


Today I ran for someone who can't anymore.  #IRunWithMaud #RIP 

Radio silence

So, you might have gathered by my radio silence that I didn't do my planned garden/driveway half marathon.  It was a lot of effort, I thought about it far too much and after doing 2k in half an hour the other day, couldn't really be arsed. BUT....  today, I went out for a run, no expectations, no pressure, a new- albeit  repetitive route, and bloody smashed my 5k PR and finally got a sub 30 5k!  This will forever be know as the day I finally ran a sub 30 5k.  I would brag more but I'm too busy revelling in what just happened.  Happy, happy days :) 

2k better than no K

Struggled to even do 2k today, and now I feel really deflated. I'm determined to do this bloody half marathon in just over a week, but I am struggling to run even a few metres at the moment.  Maybe it's this crazy situation, maybe it's because I was running up and down my road in the midday heat, maybe it's because I had no music to block out my heavy breathing or maybe I'm just a bit.... blah.  Just when I was ready to forget the whole thing, I thought- I know, it's my diet!  So I had some lettuce with balsamic dressing. Mmm. Healthy nourishing food. Then I had some cheese on toast, some chocolate and a little (grab bag) packet of crisps. It's given me a right boost.  I can do this.  9 days and counting.    Also want to make this for dinner... disgusting or genius???

5k garden run and a sucky one

Some runs absolutely stink.  Today was one of those for me. Nice simple 5k no pressure, but bloody hell I wanted to cry/scream/cry again.  Perhaps I still had a large quantity of alcohol in my veins from my birthday a couple of days ago which made my legs feel like lead.  Maybe it was just an off day, but I hated practically every second of it.  But guess what?! I'm finished, laying horizontal and looking forward to my run tomorrow. Crazy how this running malarkey can make you feel a range of emotions in a short space of time. On Tuesday (my birthday) I did what I though was going to be dizzying torture, running around in circles in the garden, however it was actually ok and good training for my challenge next week...  A half marathon in my driveway!  Despite the fact that I have only run 5k at the most the past few weeks, and I have only ever run 15k in one go, I'm sure it will be fine and I will smash it, even if I have to crawl my...

7 day isolation plan

7 Day Isolation Plan I’m slightly losing my grip on what day it is, what month is it, on reality in general, and I'm not the only one according to the internet- so I’ve devised a plan. I’ve come up with ideas of things to do for the next 7 days, a '7 Day Isolation Plan'. I would have done a chart but, don’t know how, and I don’t have the time to be messing around with that. Well, I mean obviously I do, but I just can’t be bothered. If you want to join in, you could make it more fun (wahey!) by copy and pasting into a word document, spacing the daily points out a bit more, print them off, cut them out, put them in a jar and pick one out every day. That will waste at least 10 minutes, more if you want to decorate the jar.   See full of ideas am I not? This next week is going to fly by.....there are even treats to have every day! Day 1: Learn something new... Did you know it is impossible to hum while holding your nose? Yes I know you are testi...